One thing that I learned very early in the journey of First Press was how the quality of the bean impacts many aspects of the coffee experience. Firstly, you simply cannot get away with using a low quality coffee when serving a cold drip coffee. The taste comes through clearly and the tasting notes are accentuated when you decrease the acidity of the cold brew. Secondly, we learned very quickly that different grades of coffee impact your body significantly. A high grade coffee extracted under the right conditions can leave you feeling clear, focused and strong. In comparison, a low grade coffee can leave you feeling anxious, on edge and quite uncomfortable.
We think the quality of the bean is inextricably linked to how the farmer treats the land, their staff and the community around them, and this transfers to the drop in your bottle of First Press. The gift of coffee allows us to appreciate the love and dedication that has gone into the harvesting of the coffee plant in different climates and regions of the world.

The current bean we are using for our Naked and Black Cacao range hails from Fazenda Santo Antonio in the Sul de Minas region of Brazil. Joao Newton, the owner, is the third generation of coffee growers in the region and owns Santo Antonio. It is not uncommon for many of the smaller farms in Brazil to be owned and managed by the farmer. This is a Rainforest Alliance certified coffee and the farm contributes significantly to the reforestation of the area. Rainforest Alliance is a not for profit organisation that works in 78 countries to conserve forests, support sustainable living and restore balance on the planet. This includes efforts to bring back many of the native plants and trees that the biodiversity of the region. The San Antonio farms focus on the use of advanced technology while also preserving the environment, and has been influential in the development and training of the local inhabitants in this area.

The bean itself is pulped natural and is grown at an elevation of 1140m. It is a variety of Arabica called Red Mundo Novo. The sweetness is high and we have chosen this bean because of the strong presence of dark chocolate in both taste and aroma. Enjoy the drop, much love has gone into the process :)